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    Postat de Dor la 29 octombrie 2007 la 7:05

    Atentie la urmatorul raspuns care explica fenomenul de conectare greoaie. Este un citat din Relese Notes aferent serverului Firebird 2.0, si confirma cauza conectarilor greoaie, si posibil a reconectarilor lente dupa o perioada mare de standby:
    Naming databases on Windows
    Note that the recommended extension for database files on Windows ME and XP is “.fdb” to avoid possible
    conflicts with “System Restore” feature of these Windows versions. Failure to address this issue on these platforms
    will give rise to the known problem of delay on first connection to a database whose primary file and/or
    secondary files are named using the “.gdb” extension that used to be the Borland convention for suffixing InterBase
    database file names.
    The issue is described in more detail in Other Win32 Issues at the end of the Windows installation notes.

    Windows ME and XP
    Windows ME and XP (Home and Professional editions) there is a feature called System Restore, that causes
    auto-updating (backup caching?) of all files on the system having a “.gdb” suffix. The effect is to slow down
    InterBase/Firebird database access to a virtual standstill as the files are backed up every time an I/O operation
    occurs. (On XP there is no System Restore on the .NET Servers).
    A file in the Windows directory of ME, c:windowssystemfilelist.xml, contains “protected file types”.
    “.gdb” is named there. Charlie Caro originally recommended deleting the GDB extension from the “includes”
    section of this file. However, since then, it has been demonstrated that WinME might be rebuilding this list.
    In XP, it is not possible to edit filelist.xml at all.
    On ME, the permanent workarounds suggested are one of:
    • use FDB (Firebird DB) as the extension for your primary database files–RECOMMENDED
    • move databases to C:My Documents, which is ignored by System Restore
    • switch off System Restore entirely (consult Windows doc for instructions).
    On Windows XP Home and Professional editions you can move your databases to a separate partition and
    set System Restore to exclude that volume.
    Windows XP uses smart copy, so the overhead seen in Windows ME may be less of an issue on XP, for
    smaller files at least. For larger files (e.g. Firebird database files, natch!) there doesn’t seem to be a better
    answer as long as you have “.gdb” files located in the general filesystem.
    Schimbati extensia bazei de date in .fdb si verificati daca fenomenul de reconectare greoaie mai apare.

    Dor a răspuns 17 ani, 2 luni în urmă 1 Membru · 0 Răspunsuri
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